Cleaning the fuel tank on your car

While a vehicle’s fuel pump is not a maintenance item, it will likely need to be replaced at some point.
Before replacing a defective fuel pump with a new one, the fuel tank should be properly cleaned to clear old debris, dirt and contaminants that have accumulated at the bottom of the tank.

  • Before you start to clean the tank make sure you have gloves, screwdrivers, spanners and pliers. Work in a well ventilated area as the fumes from the tank can become overbearing. Do not smoke or have any open flames in the vicinity.

  • Drain the fuel tank into a clean plastic container

  • Clean any rust and debris from the top of the fuel tank

  • Remove the fuel pump by undoing any clamps and pipes. Be careful when undoing any pipes as not to damage them. Take pictures with your cellphone of the layout of all pipes and wires.

  • Clean the interior of the fuel tank with the remaining fuel left in the tank.

  • Drain the tank and dry with compressed air.

  • Wipe the interior of the tank with a lint free cloth

  • Visually inspect the tank for any damage and replace if necessary